
新しい幕明けの年、そのともしびを幾千代までも永く照らし続けて、家庭を仕事場を地域を、明るく豊かにしてまいりましょう。平成31年 己亥歳 元旦 比叡山延暦寺
For English
Syou Zoku Ei Gou
A new era will begin this year.
From the Heian Era to Heisei, Dengyo Daishi Saicho’s Teaching and Spirit continues to light up and guide the world, as has his “Eternal Dharma Lamp” which has been kept lit for over 1,200 years.
The Tendai Denomination, with its head temple Enryakuji, will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the “Light Up Your Corner” movement, a movement that translates Dengyo Daishi Saicho’s teaching into action around the world. Surely these are the lights that guide your family and workplace.
In this new era opening, let’s make the family, workplace and community bright with happiness by lighting up the world through Dengyo Daishi’s Dharma teachings.
New Year’s Day, Heisei 31, in the sixth order of the sexagenarian cycle of the Year of the Boar.
Hieizan Enryakuji